

Friendship Is A Vow

Friday, December 31, 2010

Freedom of 48!

Eaaaa,udh lama bgt gue pengen blogging tp mls2 gidu deeh hoho.Baru hari ini nih,the last day of the year gue terdorong untuk blogging,walaupun agak ga mood nih gara2 nyokap td,maaf ya agak ga ngelawak dipost ini-,- hooo.So,apa itu freedom of 48? freedom of 48 adalah pensi yg diselenggarain SMA 48 2 minggu kmrn deh kalo ga salah hehe.Acaranya di Cibubur,popki apa popski gue lupa maaf-,-. Acaranya tuh mulai dari jam 1 siang gitu,terus ya udh gue datengkan tuh sama hasna sama hani ke pensi itu jam 1.Sebenernya kita diajak Hani,karena Hani juga mau sekalian ketemu pacarnya dan kebetulan juga waktu itu tuh hari Sabtu hoho. And ya know whaaa...Sampai sana tuh krik abis --,-- panitia doang yg ada,audiencenya tuh baru kita doang.Bodohnya kita adalah bahwa kita kira tuh tiketnya bakalan sold out gitu karenakan tuh pensi fame bgt. So ya kita cengolah disitu nunggu sampe rame.Btw,penjagaannya ketat bgtt,kalo yg mau masuk tas and urself hrs diperiksa bener2 hoho,iya kali yak takut rusuh,ricuh,caila.Terus beli 1 tiket dapet 1 voucher slurpee by one get 1 free :D.Time by time okelah bnyk yg mulai dateng,sore tuh jam 4an gitu baru mulai rame. Nah,sayangnya eh sayangnyaa,si Hani tuh bete karena pacarnya kagak teko teko(bhs jawanya dateng dateng). Ya kalo orng udh bete mana bs deh enjoy the show-,- hee,kasian diaa :( Dan si Hani juga udh disuruh pulang ma nyokapnya,pulanglah dia jam 5 tanpa ketemu bfnya dolo itu peristiwa #nyesekadalah.Ya udin,gue sama hasna back to the show tp ya gitu kita itu #jomblongenes-,- wk,ga juga deeng,cuci mata malah, bnyk cwo cakep,yega has?hoho.Gue juga sempet liat kak HasyimAman that fame twitter boy hee.Dan gue sama hasna juga beli kaos Freedom of 48nya,tuh dipoto.Apalg yak,uweslah yaa,itu aja,ga mau cerita bnyk2 :D see ya on the next post!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

When a feeling grows

My best friends are all awesome,they are my life,too.Without them,I'm just a piece of ashes:/,I mean I'm tasteless,useless,no laugh,no tear,no smile,and absolutely no life.Doesn't mean to be hiperbolic,but without friends,best friends,I will never know what fun is. Me and my best friends like to share and hang out together and doing several fun activities together. One of my best friend told me that someone deadly in love with me.Well,at first I didn't believe her. She said that Mr.X(I don't want to mention the brand)loves me so much,he want me to be with him.But still I don't believe,because Mr.X don't want to tell the truth to me.So,nope.I also bet that Mr.X likes someone else,not me.
And besides,I'm having a strong principal that I don't want to have a relationship untill I'm graduated from JHS.I'm not ready to be broken hearted and whatsoever about relationship.It hurts,I know it because several of my friends oftenly share to me about their relationship and it's always about fight, hurts, tears,broken hearted,and collapse.Mr.X is my best friend,he is a type of boy who is very care,kind,high-minded,and not easily to get mad.He?to me?is more than a best friend actually,I already assume that he is my big brother with 2 others of my best friend, because I close to him and we have known each other since we are a 1st grader(elementary!)-,-.So,ya! My love to him is as a sibling:*.I don't want a say I don't want to be with him because,who knows what happen next, right? But for now,nope. IF he really do loves me and want me to be with him,but I'm not sure lol.And the other factor is that,My mom wont allow me to have a relationship in this 14 years old age and I agree with it, because I just wanna focus on my school/education. I don't know why,I really stick to friendship,friendship is a vow,but not relationship in teenager.Loyalty?in teenager?dream on!most of i guess,they still labile,they still want a try many other stuff,have fun,and whatsoever.But Friendship in a teenager?come on,they need it! Having a relationship is not changing your life like it will always be good,one of my friend told me that having a relationship would be very good for teenager,well for me,it just depends on how they handle their relationship :).Handle-ing relationship is hard.So,I hav e a little advice here for those who sometime having a trouble and in crisis now with their relationship.Here,dudes,talk to each other,and don't be selfish,think of a way that can make your relationship better,and it have to have a deal from both of you.Be honest,you are a couple,honesty?is a must! Hope it works :) So,yeah,life's hard and love's harder,that's what one of my teacher tweet hoho. Hey,you are a teenager,boyfriend?girlfriend?just a chapter of it!You still have bunch of opportunities and experience to be learn.Run for your life,catch your dream,and makes the world proud of you B) I got one inspirational quote,I'm so sorry I forgot who made this quote; Work like you don't need the money,Dance like no one is watching,Love like you've never been hurt,and live like heaven's on earth ;) God Bless you guys,and Good Luck for your life! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sadiiiiis,lama tak jumpe kiteee

Hey Dude,gile berapa bulan yak gue kagak update blog gue lagi?hohoho.Maap ma meen,sibuk nih ga sempet2 ehehe.Kan lolo pada juga dah pada tau gue kls 3 SMP hrs prepare buat UN hehe.Ini gue lg libur Semester 1 jdnya gue sempetin blogging nih wk.Terakhir gue post tuh video yak, bulan september haha.So dudes,How's life?Getting harder huh?iyee,emng gue juga ngerasain itu,bnyk pressure azeeek. Tapi,taulaaah,kitakan remajaaaa,idup remaja ya gitu;labil.Lo ga bs idup flat,life juga ga ada yg flat ga?ga bakal seruuu,no challenge no good haha.Btw, janji gue mau upload poto2 independence entaran yak,bakal gue upload cmn ga tau kapan,hoho.Apa lagi nih,gue curhat apa lagi yaak,gue bakalan curhat ttng love story gue deh duileeee tumben yak gue punya lovestory,lawak~ Hbs post ini nih gue bakal curhat-curhat ma lolo pada,lagi napsu blogging nih gue mumpung sempet nih lg libur.Okaaay?See ya...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hahahaha-___-" Enjoy deh the video.Ini kita lg ga tau mau nyanyi apa.Akhirnya ya udh ngasal hee :D

Friday, August 20, 2010

Heeeey,Long Time no see~

Hey guys,okay now is 23:24 I have nothing to do and I decided to just blogging with my half volt eyes-___-''.Okay,back! Apa kabar semuanyaaa :)? haha lama ya lumayanlah gue kagak blogging 2 bulan ya :0.Iya nih gue sibuk bgt ._. azek hahay.Eh seriuus,gue ma tmn2 sekolah gue kususnya independence day committee lg pd nyiapin buat ceremony sm lomba2 17-an gt dueh :D O ya,sumpah bnyk bgt yg mau gue cerita ke lo lo lo lo lo pada haha.Ok,yg dari gue jd Protokol di Independence day ceremony aja ;) hehe.So,Brighton JHS ceremony-nya tgl 16 Agustus.Nah,gue jd protokol tuh hihi pertama kali tuh gue ceremony pk seragam seremony ma perlengkapan2nya lah -,-.Ga jaman gue SD dulu masih pk seragam sekolah gue hoho.hmm,apa lg ya?-,- Ya udh gue mau cerita tentang berapa seru lombanya sm upload poto2nyak.Cumaaaaaaaaaaaaan,gue blm upload fotonyaaa :P jd bsk ya apa kapan gt kalo gue sempet :P ehehe.Maaap :C Tapi I'll upload kok don't worry be happylah ma preen :D see ya!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yow! Final Test is :Done

Halo kawan semua maree kita sambut,hari baru tlah tibaa :) haha. You know what?damn I'm very happy.Because final test has done and it's time for refresh my mind and do whatever I want to do.Am I right? hee. Oke, liburan kali ini sih kyknya gue ga kemana-mana paling cuma keliling2 jakarte haha. Habis nyokap masih kerja saibuk bgt -___-'' ga ada temen deh :(.Gue sih maunya gokil2an ma ank2 brighton,kalo ide gue sih pinginnya kita pk batik trs naik angkot ato busway keliling2 jakarte ini hihi.Tapi..bnyk yg ga setuju katanya males ah kyk orng hbs kondangan :/ emng bener sih ,tp kpn lagi cb bisa gokil gt depan gak? Jadi,karna bnyk yg ga setuju jadinya ank2 cmn mau ke dupan deh,ya udhlah ke dupan aja :D O ya,bulan july ini tante gue ada yg mau nikah jadi gue suruh jadi penerima tamu ha-ha :/ Biasa,kalo ada keluarga gue yg nikah pasti gue suruh ikt part deh :D Thn lalu aja,pas sodara gue nikah gue jadi Pagar Ayu haha kyk gue ayu aja yak ckkckck.Ya udh deh,gue ga tau mau ngomong apalagi,nanti post berikutnya gue post rapot gue aja ya gmn and gue lulus ato ga ke kls 3.Doain lulus ya :)
Here is where I spend my holiday with my lovely friends :)

Well actually I want this haha

Tapi ga apa2 lah,asal bareng temen2 tuh ngapain aja azeek.Yegak?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Final Test are comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!!

Yoeh Final Test term 4 ato UKK(ujian kenaikan kelas-___-'') bentar lagi nih di sekolah gua.Udh gt karna sekolah gua sekolah International jadinya kalo semesteran gt testnya pasti 2 minggu. Minggu pertama test dr sekolah, Minggu kedua dari diknas hehehe. Jadi mungkin 2 minggu ya gue rehat blogging and Social networkiing :D Nih Jadwal test guaa:
Schoool's Tests
English and Bahasa Test
Math and IT Test
Science and Social Test
Religion and Remedial(bg yg dapat remed)
Diknas Tests
Bahasa and Ebglish Test
Math and IT test
Science and Social Test
Religion and Award/Remedial

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, Wish me luck yaaaa ;) mudah2an dpt nilai diatas 8 semuaaa,amiiin :) Thankyou guuuuuys <3>

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Playing @ Hasna's Crib all day loooong

Halooooo,wahaha gue seharian ini di rumah Hasna terus loh dr pulang sekolah jam 4 sampe jam 11 malem haha.Rencanannya gue mau nginep,tp ga ah gue blm prepare apa2 buat nginep haha. Hmmm,ngapain ya tadi gue ma Hasna?yg pasti tetep kita narsis2an bareng alias taking freak photos hehe.O ya,kita juga pasi surfing Internetlaah kita juga buka omegle loh :////.Ada yg text ma Video juga,vidoe kocaak beeet :/ O ya,gue main ke rumah Hany juga,kalo di rumah hany kita lebih ke gossiping haha,ya ngomongin gebetan2 mereka ma cwo2 keren,gokil ma eksis gt wkwkwkwk -__________-'' Trs besok jumat kita rencana mau ntn brng,tau dah mau ntn apa.Hasna sih maunya ntn Prince Of Persia tapiiii gue maunya ntn Shrek Forever After tapi ya liat besoklaah. Mana gue juga blm belajar apa2 buat final test ahahaha :/

Monday, May 24, 2010

Student Council

Yap,Student Council.What comes from your mind after you heard that words? Fun? Serious? Complicated? Boring ? Interesting? Well,everyone has different point of view :) For me,is fun and interesting ;D even dough we have to work hard. But,this Student Council teach us about part of government and how they work and for what :) Me, Ahamdulillah I'm trusted to be the President of my Brighton JHS :) Even dough not in a full year because Brighton is still a new school. I still got many knowledge and experience from being part of the Student Council. I'm really glad of it (Y)(Y). Nah Vice President; Gavin Treasurer;Yesenia Secretary;Ryan. Nah,kita lagi prosess bikin proposal buat acara2 tahun depan gitu deh.Any Idea acara apa aja yg ank SMP suka?:) Kita udh done sih sebenernya annual programnya,cmn kalo ada advice boleh looh :) I'm waitiiiiiing

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baby~ gue ma hasna kyk cacing kepanasan :/(Aib-__-)

Oke, Gajeb bgt gua ma Hasna ;)

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Gue ngerasain itu hari ini. Temen-temen gue ada yg ga perlu gue lagi ga nge-respond pertanyaan ato anggapan gue lagi. It's hurt, he/she prefer that guy to respond too :(. I feel desperate,sumpah kirain gua dia baik mau dengerin semua anggapan ma pertanyaan gue.Tapi apa?It's worst.They don't care and they don't need me anymore.Fine,I still consider the as my beloved friends/besties and I still love them so much.But,I hope they will realize that I really need them to share all my pain.I believe in A Gift of A Friend :''''')

Karokean:) things just going so crazy :/

Me,Gaby & Ryan

Hasna,Me& Gaby

It's Meeee(again and again :/)

Hi,meet me again in my 6th blogger :/ So, gue itu udh bikin blog 5 kali,tp males bgt buka and akhir-akhirnya lupa pass n email :D hehe. Tapi,tiba2 pas @HasnaSantana buat blog,jadi pingin buat lagi :) So,I make again,yah itung-itung ngisi waktulaaah.So,Enjoy my blog yoo ;)